Maybe we all feel like Wilbur sometimes. It would be nice if we all had a Charlotte to promote us to the world. When children’s stories fall short, some basic understanding will help move the needle.
When you want to throw your website out the window
I've had many calls over the years from frustrated businesses that invested tons of money into their websites and other marketing and...
Signs that Jsring Studio will be a good fit for your business
You are committed to marketing Your business has goals and your goals require marketing. You see the value in using tools and technology...
What makes a good service-based small business website in 2019
This is an article for consultants, entrepreneurs, industry experts and professionals—people who don't do websites for a living, or even...
Small Business Websites Held Hostage
The deadbeat designer. I keep hearing this story: a small business owner pays someone to design a website for their business. After...
The secret to your online success is in the first sentence of this article.
Authority is the active ingredient in unlocking digital marketing. There is an ancient adage in online marketing: Content is king. And...
How much does an in-house web designer cost?
Too Much. For a small business, you don't need google to tell you that you need a lot more sales before you can justify the cost of a...
What is Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a blanket term you might have heard floating around, but what does it mean? Before you get taken by a clever sales pitch, I will break it down into basic terminology.